
Valentine's # 6 / Valentinovo št. 6

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni!

Today's Valentine's Day card could be a wedding card or a birthday card for a very special person. I started with some embossing powder and a Hero Arts background stamp on a white panel. Roses are from MFT and I stamped them with Soft Cantaloupe and Pale Tomato Hero Arts ink and cut them out. I cut out a few stems and leaves (MFT and Memorybox die) and sponged the edges. I arranged everything together and glued some direct to paper and some with foam tape. I tied together the bouquet with some ribbon. I sponged the edge of my card base and some extra cardstock with Soft Cantaloupe ink to die cut Congratulations out.
Današnja valentinova voščilnica bi lahko bila poročna čestitka ali pa voščilnica ob rojstnem dnevu zelo posebne osebe. Začela sem z nekaj embosirnega prahu in Hero Arts štampiljko za ozadje. Vrtnice so od MFT in sem jih odtisnila s Soft Cantaloupe in Pale Tomato Hero Arts blazinico in jih izrezala ven. Izrezala sem še nekaj stebelc in listkov iz zelenega kartona, ki sem jih še senčila na robovih. Uredila sem šopek in vse skupaj prilepila direktno na embosirano ozadje ali pa z nekaj penastega lepila. Šopek sem skupaj zvezala z nekaj traku. Rob osnove sem senčila s Soft Cantaloupe blazinico in osenčila še nekaj dodatnega kartona, da sem izrezala voščilo iz njega in ga prilepila na zgornjem delu.
Thank you for coming over and have a great day!

Hvala za obisk in želim vam čudovit dan!


I'm entering this card into Simon Says All Things Bright and Beautiful Challenge.


  1. Such a gorgeous creation, love the colours that you have chosen, thank you for joining us at Simon Says Challenge this time, hugs Pops x

  2. These flowers are just gorgeous and I love the textured background. Thank you so much for playing along with us this week over at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog :)
