25 Days of Joy / 25 Dni Veselja # 6

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I'm super glad it's end of this week :) I need a few hours to breathe and have some time off. I made a classic feel card today. I used some greenery and classic green, red and gold colour combination. 
Zelo sem vesela, da je konec tedna. Potrebujem nekaj uric pavze, da zadiham :) Danes imam za vas voščilnico z zelo tradicionalnim videzom. Uporabila sem kombinacijo zelenja iz seta Najlepšega para in pri tem uporabila zeleno, rdečo in zlato barvo. 
Thank you for coming over and have a wonderful end of the week.

Hvala za obisk in želim vam super konec tedna. 


I'm entering this card into Simon Says Anything Goes Wednesday Challenge, Simon Says Work it Wednesday and gallery over at Najlepši par.


  1. hello Mateja, sure hope you are enjoying your time off, I know how much I luv my time away from work...*grin*. super stamping, the golden pine cones and poinsettias are so pretty...l;uv the gold embossing! I am so glad you played along with us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge!

    sparkle & shine, kindness! *~*

  2. Zelo lepo se svetijo storži in res je v čisto tradicionalnih barvah. Krasna je.

  3. Čudovita klasika...zelo, zelo mi je všeč!
