
Try It Out Thursday # 2

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni!

There was no Try It Out Thursday for some time, but I'm back with another experiment. I bought Ranger Sticky embossing powder to try and use it instead of Flitter glue by IndigoBlu for the Metallic Flakes. I used Flitter glue before and it's a bit messy and my stamps were sticky even after I cleaned them like you are supposed to. Sticky embossing powder sounds much easier so I tried it.

Že nekaj časa ni bili takšne objave v četrtek, ampak danes sem nazaj z manjšim eksperimentom. Kupila sem Ranger Sticky embosirni prah da bi ga uporabila namesto Flitter lepila, ki ga je IndigoBlu predvideval za uporabo z metalnimi lističi. Delo s tem lepilom se mi je zdelo malce preveč "lepljivo", saj so bile štampiljke lepljive še nekaj časa, čeprav sem jih očistila tako, kot je rečeno v navodilih. Lepljiv embosirni prah se mi je zdel malce manj zapleten, tako da sem želela poskusiti. 
I used Versamark and Sticky embossing powder like any other but when I heated it up it got sticky. I pressed the flakes on top of that and the rub it away with the sponge. The flakes are still a bit messy, but they stuck on top of the image. 

Prah sem uporabila tako kot vsak drug embosirni prah z Versamark blazinico. Ko sem ga segrela se je spremenil v lepljiv odtis na katerega sem pritisnila metalne lističe. Vse skupaj sem dobro zdrgnila z gobico, ki je namenjena temu. Lisiči so še vedno precej nadležni, saj je na koncu njihov prah povsod, ampak končni rezultat je vseeno zelo lep, tako da se splača. 

My thoughts? Sticky is convenient as far as cleaning your stamp goes and al the stickiness left behind, but I think that Flitter glue captures more detail and the surface is a bit uneven. Flakes still sparkle beautifully so I think it's a good alternative. I can't wait to try this with glitter.

Moje mnenje? Sticky prah je zelo priročen kar se tiče čiščenja štampiljk in ukvarjanja z lepljivimi pripomočki, je pa res, da Flitter lepilo ohrani več podrobnosti odtisa, površina odtisa pa je precej bolj gladka kot pri uporabi prahu. Lističi se še vedno zelo lepo bleščijo, tako da mislim, da je Sticky embosirni prah vseeno super alternativa lepilu. Preizkusiti ga bo potrebno še z bleščicami. 

Thank you for coming over and have a great day.

Hvala za obisk in želim vam čudovit dan. 


I'm entering this card into Simon says stamp Wednesday Anything Goes Challenge.


  1. One of my favorite HA stamps, Mateja, and it looks lovely with the butterflies! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge!

  2. Zelo lepo je izpadlo to ozadje.
