
25 days of Joy / 25 dni veselja # 18

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

Today I played with some embossing powders. I used silver, gold and bronze embossing powder and did a two toned embossing. I used silver and bronze together for the first card. This Christmas tree is a rubber stamp from Indigo Blue and it is gorgeous :) To get the two toned embossing I stamped my tree first with Versamark ink and toured the silver powder on a few spots and quickly flipped it over to shake of the access. Then I poured the bronze powder all over the image and embossed this combination. 
Danes sem se igrala z nekaj embosirnimi prahovi. Uporabila sem srebrn, zlat in bronast prah in naredila kombinacijo dveh barv na enem odtisu. Na prvi voščilnici sem uporabila srebrn in bronast prah. Najprej sem odtisnila smrečico, ki je gumijasta štampiljka Indigo Blue in mi je zelo všeč. Uporabila sem Versamark blazinico. Na odtis sem na nekaj mestih posula srebrn prah in na hitro obrnila karton okoli, da sem odvečen prah otresla dol. Bronast prah sem nato posula preko celotnega odtisa in vse skupaj segrela. 

I glue some red pattern paper on my card base and die cut a sentiment (Happy Holidays) from the same pattern. I glued everything together and added some Glossy Accents over my sentiment. I glued some rhinestones around the card to finish everything off.
Na osnovo sem prilepila rdeč vzorčast papir in iz enakega papirja izrezala tudi voščilo Najlepšega Para. Prilepila sem ga na embosiran kartonček in vse skupaj prilepila na osnovo. Preko voščila sem nanesla še nekaj Glossy Accents lepila za bleščeč izgled in po voščilnici posula nekaj draguljčkov. 

Second one is the same I just switched of the bronze powder with my gold detail one. I don't really like the effect of this powder because it does not want to turn smooth. It stays grainy no matter how much I try to smooth it out. I managed to do it with the sentiment, but it took two coats of embossing. I finished the edges the same way that Kristina Werner likes to do them this year by rubbing the edge over Versamark ink pad and embossing it. I think I need some practise with this.  
Drugo voščilnico sem naredila na enak način, le da sem bronast prah zamenjala z zlatim. Na žalost mi ta embosirni prah ni najbolj pri srcu, saj ostane precej zrnast, čeprav se ga trudim zgladiti z grelno pištolo. To mi nikoli povsem ne uspe, je pa to uspelo pri voščilo, na katerega pa sem nanesla dve plasti prahu. Robove sem zaključila enako, kot to zimo rada počne Kristina Werner, tako da sem robove podrgnila ob Versamark blazinico in jih embosirala. Mislim, da potrebujem še nekaj vaje pri tem efektu. 
That is it for today. I was just playing with what I have available to me and I came up with this. Hope you have a wonderful day and see you again on Wednesday. 

To je to za danes. Malce sem se igrala z materialom, ki mi je na voljo in nastali sta ti dve čestitki. Želim vam čudovit dan in upam, da se vidimo ponovno v sredo. 


I'm entering the first card into SSS Wednesday Christmas/Holidays Challenge.

Obe voščilnici dodajam še v galerijo Najlepšega Para za mesec december.


  1. hi Mateja! stunning cards! I am thrilled you played along with Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge!

    sparkle & shine *~*

  2. Čudovita je takole embosirana jelka. Prav zelo paše na ta njen ornamentni stil!!
