
A Blog Named Hero: Use Your Favourite Hero Arts Product

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

There is a challenge going on at A Blog Named Hero and you have until April 10th to use your favourite Hero Arts Product any share to win a gift certificate to Hero Arts Store.
Na A Blog Named Hero poteka izziv in časa imate do 10ega aprila, da uporabite svoj najljubši Hero Arts izdelek in ga delite, saj imate dve možnosti za osvojitev darilnega bona za Hero Arts spletno trgovino

I used my favourite stamp of all time from Hero Arts called Leafy Vines. I had to get it the moment it came to the stores and I still use it all the time. I also used two of my favourite Shadow inks - Cornflower and Pale Tomato and a die from December 2017 Add-on collection called Filigree Border Fancy Die (and it is super fancy and beautiful).
Uporabila sem mojo najljubšo Hero Arts štampiljko Leafy Vines. Morala sem jo kupiti takoj, ko je prišla v trgovine in še vedno jo uporabljam ves čas. Uporabila sem tudi dve najljubši barvi Shadow blazinic - Cornflower in Pale Tomato, zraven pa še rezalno šablono, ki je del dodatkov pri decembrskem My Monthly Hero kompletu, ki se imenuje Filigree Border Fancy Die (zelo "fensi" in preprosto lepa). 
I pressed Hero Arts Silver ink pad on a piece of cardstock and added some Perfect Pearls powder over the top and then die cut the Filigree Border Fancy Die. When I pilled the border off my die cutting plate all the left over pieces just caught my eye and I couldn't throw them out. I used the negative parts of this die on a second card (except for a few tiny pieces that I lost before I decided to use them up). I added the sentiments from two stamp sets (Come Fly With Me and Color Layering Hydrangea), a few butterflies and some black splatter to finish both cards.
Na kos kartona sem pritisnila Hero Arts Silver blazinico in preko nje nanesla še nekaj Perfect Pearls prahu. Iz tega sem izrezala Filigree Border Fancy Die in ko sem jo odstranila z rezalne plošče, so ostali čudoviti koščki, ki bi sicer romali v smeti, pa sem jih raje uporabila na drugi voščilnici (razen par majhnih, ki sem jih izgubila še preden sem se odločila uporabiti tudi negativen del izreza). Voščili sta iz dveh setov štampiljk (Come Fly With Me in Color Layering Hydrangea), dodala sem še par metuljev in nekaj črnih pack. 
Thank you for coming over and have a great day!

Hvala za obisk in želim vam čudovit dan!