Lepo pozdravljeni!
Today I have three classic designs for Easter cards - eggs hidden in the grass. Add a few flowers and butterflies and we have a winner :)
Danes imam za vas tri klasične velikonočne voščilnice - pirhi skriti v travi. Dodajmo še par rožic in metuljev, pa smo zmagali :)
The last one is a more liberal interpretation when a piece of flower pattern paper represents the grass.
Zadnja voščilnica predstavlja malo bolj svobodno interpretacijo trave, saj jo predstavlja trak vzorčastega papirja z rožicami.
What kind of card design is your favourite classic Easter card? Thank you for coming over and have a great day!
Kakšna pa je vaša najljubša klasična velikonočna voščilnica? Hvala za obisk in želim vam super dan!

I'm adding the second card into Simon Says Anything Goes Wednesday challenge and gallery over at Najlepši par.
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