25 Days of Joy / 25 Dni Veselja # 12

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

Since I was on a poinsettia kick I wanted to make a blue one that does not look strange. I made a soft background with Perfect Pearls and a Hero Arts background stamp. A bit of an unusual colour combination with blue and green but I think it works :)
Glede na to, da sem se zapičila v božične zvezde sem želela narediti eno v modri barvi, ki ne bi bila videti čudno. Za ozadje sem uporabila Hero Arts štampiljko in Perfect Pearls prah, saj sem želela nežen efekt. Morda je modro-zelena kombinacija barv malce nenavadna, vendar se mi zdi, da tukaj lepo izpade :) 
Thank you for coming over and have a great weekend!

Hvala za obisk in želim vam super konec tedna! 


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