A Blog Named Hero Challenge - Masking

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni!

There is a new challenge on A Blog Named Hero and it's called Masking. I hope you join us and have a chance to win a gift voucher from our amazing sponsor Simon Says Stamp.
Danes se na A Blog Named Hero začenja nov izziv, ki zahteva uporabo maskiranja. Upam, da se nam pridružite, saj imate možnost osvojiti darilni bona čudovitega sponzorja Simon Says Stamp.

My card for this challenge uses masking in two different ways. First I made a mask for my rose and I cut it out with tiny little border. I placed it where I wanted to have my image later on. Then I also masked background on a diagonal. I stamped my sentiment there using Soft Granite Hero Arts Ink.
Moja današnja voščilnica uporablja maskiranje v dveh variantah. Najprej sem odtisnila vrtnico na nekaj Post-it traku in jo izrezala z ožjim robom. Masko sem na osnovo voščilnice prilepila tam, kjer sem kasneje želela odtisniti vrtnico in jo pobarvati. Zamaskirala pa sem tudi diagonalo ozadja, kjer sem nato začela odtiskovati voščilo s Soft Granite Hero Arts blazinico.

When that was done, I removed both masks and stamped my rose and a few butterflies from Happy Everything stamp set that I got as a part of this month's collaboration with Clearly Besotted Stamps. I coloured these in with my Inktense pencils and some water. I added some sequins and finish my card off by adding Clear Wink of Stella over the Happy part in the background. I could not get a good picture of that sparkle, but you can see it in person.

Ko sem odstranila obe maski, sem s črno Hero Arts blazinico odtisnila vrtnico in nekaj metuljčkov, ki so del Happy Everything seta štampiljk Clearly Besotted Stamps, s katerimi smo imeli ta mesec sodelovanje na A Blog Named Hero. Vse odtise sem pobarvala z Inktense barvicami in nekaj vode. Za zaključek sem dodala par rumenih ploščatih bleščic in na voščilo nanesla še nakaj Wink of Stella prozornih bleščic. Na sliki se žal ne vidijo, ampak precej težko jih je fotografirati tako, da bi se lepo videle.

Thank you for coming over and I hope you join us :)

Hvala za obisk in upam, da se nam pridružite :)

I'm entering this card into Lawnscaping Birthday Celebration Challenge. 


  1. Very pretty card! I love how delicate and sweet it is, simply beautiful! Thanks for playing the Lawnscaping Challenge!

  2. Such a soft palette of colors for this card. It's so pretty and spring-like!!! Thank you for playing along with Lawnscaping Challenges! -Roxanne

  3. WONDERFUL - amazing masking too!!! Thank you so much for sharing this with us at Lawnscaping!

  4. Very pretty card. Great job on that masking. Thanks so much for playing with us at Lawnscaping for our 100th Challenge!
