
CASE a designer #2

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

With A Blog Named Hero challenge in mind I'm CASEing Jessica Frost-Ballas. This is the card that inspired me.
 Glede na izziv na A Blog Named Hero bo moj navdih Jessica Frost-Ballas. To je voščilnica, ki me je navdihnila.
I used the same technique of watercolouring with Distress Ink and the stamping a background stamp with water on top of that. I used the Haxagon background stamp from Hero Arts.
Uporabila sem enako tehniko, saj sem pobarvala akvarelni papir z Distress blazinicami in nato z mokro štampiljko "odtisnila" vzorec. Uporabila sem Hero Arts Hexagon background štampiljko.
Thank you for coming over and have a great day!

Hvala za obisk in želim vam super dan! 

I'm entering this cards into A Blog Named Hero challenge Copy a Designer and gallery over at Najlepši par.


  1. Cute cards, love the CAS look of them. Thanks for playing along with us at A Blog Named Hero.
