25 Days of Joy / 25 Dni Veselja #1

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I'm back with my 25 Days of Joy series again. Today I'm starting with a few cards that are perfect for mass production. This stamp is from Marianne Design and it's a doodle stamp. Look of doodle with just one stamp. I have three versions to inspire you.

No, pa sem nazaj s 25 Dni Veselja. Danes začenjam z voščilnicami, ki so primerne za masovno produkcijo. Štampiljka je od Marianne Design in se poigra s trendom doodle s samo enim odtisom. Danes vam bom predstavila tri variante. 
First one is made with ink pads that I mixed on the stamp and then stamped it. 

Prva je narejena z barvnimi blazinicami, ki sem jih kar na štampiljki zmešala skupaj in šele nato odtisnila. 
Second one is stamped with Versa Mark and brushed over with Perfect Pearls.

Druga je odtisnjena z Versa Mark blazinico in preko odtisa sem nanesla Perfect Pearls prah. 
Last one is made with emboss resist.

Zadnjo pa sem naredila s tehniko emboss resist. 
Thank you for coming over and have a great day!

Hvala za obisk in želim vam super dan! 

Zeleno voščilnico dodajam v oktobrsko galerijo Najlepšega para.

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