Lepo pozdravljeni!
I went with embossing paste on this card and I combined it with a Thank you sentimet and a single flower.

Na današnji voščilnici sem uporabila embosirno pasto in jo opremila še s hvaležnim voščilom in eno sončnico.
There is still time to enter this month's challenge over at A Blog Named Hero. Thank you for coming over and have a great day.
Še vedno imate čas, da se udeležite izziva na A Blog Named Hero ta mesec. Hvala za obisk in želim vam super dan.

I'm entering this card into A Blog Named Hero Texture Challenge.
Lovely card, great texture and colors, Mateya - thanks for playing with us at ABNH this month and good luck!
ReplyDeleteThank you :)
DeleteTekstura je super izpadla in všeč mi je modro rumena barvna kombinacija.
ReplyDeleteHvala :)