
Work Time Wednesday Heart of Roses

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni!

Today I made a wedding card using this beautiful die from Simon Says Stamp. I will have to play with it some more using the negative parts as well. I just love the look of this hearts :)
Danes sem naredila poročno voščilnico s to čudovito rezalno šablono Simon Says Stamp. Še se bom morala poigrati s temi izrezki, tudi negativnimi deli. Res je čudovito srce :)

Thank you for coming over and have a great day!

Hvala za obisk in želim vam super dan!


Monday Madness Mystery Bag Revealed

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

So today I'm revealing contents of my mystery bag from last week. I had to buy tape (three different widths) and foam tape and it turned into this :)

Danes vam predstavljam vsebino skrivnostne vrečke prejšnjega tedna. Morala sem kupiti lepilni trak (v treh različnih širinah) in penast trak, nakupovanje pa je privedlo do naslednjega izkupička :) 
Now I can go and put this away. Have a great week. :)

Sedaj pa lahko pospravim. Želim vam super teden. :)



Work Time Wednesday with Clustered Leaves

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I have been eying this die from Simon Says Stamp for some time now and I love it. I made two cards using this die as addition to flowers. The standard way and I'm going to play with it next week again. I have some editional uses in mind :)
To rezalno šablono od Simon Says Stamp sem si ogledovala že nekaj časa in še vedno mi je noro všeč. Danes sem naredila dve voščilnici, pri katerih sem uporabila liste kot dodatek cvetovom. Takšna običajna uporaba, se pa bom s to šablono še malce igrala naslednji teden, saj imam v mislih še nekaj drugačnih idej :) 
Thank you for coming over and have a great day!

Hvala za obisk in želim vam super dan. 


Monday Madness Mystery Bag

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I did some shopping over the weekend and this bag is the result. I haven't had any time to take pictures and put is away so it remains a mystery bag until next week ;)
Čez vikend sem malce nakupovala in ta vrečka je rezultat. Nisem še imela časa stvari poslikati in pospraviti, tako da do naslednjega tedna vrečka ostaja skrivnostna ;)

Have a great week.

Želim vam super teden. 


A Blog Named Hero Texture # 2

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I went with embossing paste on this card and I combined it with a Thank you sentimet and a single flower.
Na današnji voščilnici sem uporabila embosirno pasto in jo opremila še s hvaležnim voščilom in eno sončnico. 
There is still time to enter this month's challenge over at A Blog Named Hero. Thank you for coming over and have a great day.

Še vedno imate čas, da se udeležite izziva na A Blog Named Hero ta mesec. Hvala za obisk in želim vam super dan.

I'm entering this card into A Blog Named Hero Texture Challenge.

Work Time Wednesday Flowers or Butterflies

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni!

I used the same set of stamps as last week but I used flowers as wings of three different butterflies.

Uporabila sem isti set štampiljk, kot prejšnji teden, vendar sem cvetove uporabila kot krila treh različnih metuljev. 
What do you think? Does it work? :)
Kaj pravite? Bi šlo skozi? :)

Thank you for coming over and have a great day.

Hvala za obisk in želim vam super dan. 


I'm entering these two cards into Simon Says Work It Wednesday Stamps, Simon Says Wednesday Clean and Simple Challenge and the second one to gallery over at Najlepši par.

Monday Madness With No Desk

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

Today I have no crafting desk :) Someone took over.
Danes sem ostala brez mize za ustvarjanje :) Nekdo jo je prevzel. 

I hope you have a great week ;)

Upam, da bo vaš teden res super ;)


Friday Fun with Baby Girl

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

This post is a day late, sorry :) But I have a cute one for you today. I love this giraffe. It's a digital image that you can find here. I think it's a perfect baby image so I made that kind of card.
Ta objava je dan kasneje, se opravičujem :) Ampak je zato toliko bolj simpatična. Ta žirafa je res nadvse prisrčna. To digitalno štampiljko lahko najdete na tem naslovu. Mislim, da je kot nalašč za voščilnico ob rojstvu otroka in zato je takšna tudi nastala. 

Thank you for coming over and have a great weekend.

Hvala za obisk in želim vam super vikend. 


Work Time Wednesday Trying out MISTI

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I played with MISTI today and used for basic mass production by stamping multiple images on multiple pieces of cardstock. I made three cards with identical stamping and some difference in finishing details.
Danes sem se prvič poigrala z MISTI-jem in preizkusila istočasno odtiskovanje več štampiljk na več kosov kartona. Naredila sem tri voščilnice z enakim odtisom in malce različnimi zaključnimi detajli. 

Thank you for coming over and have a great day!

Hvala za obisk in želim vam super dan! 


I'm entering this bunch into Simon Says STAMPtember Stamp It! Monday and Wednesday Challenge and Stamps Work It Wednesday for August 2016.

Monday Madness Simon Says Stamp Haul (Finally)

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I finally got the package I ordered at the end of July from Simon Says Stamp and here is what I got. Not pictured is also a Cosmo Cricket Splatter Cubby that I got and I will try to make my light box out of it :)

Končno sem dobila paket od Simon Says Stamp, ki sem ga naročila konec julija in na slikah lahko vidite kaj sem si privoščila. Na slikah ni Cosmo Cricket Splatter Cubby-a, ker je malo prevelik, bom pa poskusila narediti sistem za fotografiranje iz njega :)

Can you guess which one I was looking for the most? :D

Lahko uganete česa sem se najbolj veselila? :D

Have a great week!

Želim vam super teden! 



A Blog Named Hero- Playing With Texture

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni!

This month's theme of A Blog Named Hero Challenge is Texture. I tried to add texture to my card without using embossing folder or embossing paste so I played with die cuts.
Tema mesečnega izziva za September na A Blog Named Hero je tekstura oz. uporaba/upodobitev le-te na vašem izdelku. Poskusila sem se izogniti uporabi reliefnih mapic in embosirne paste, tako da sem se malo igrala z izrezki.

The card base is shaded over my favourite Hero Arts stencil at the moment - Map Grid Stencil. I made an oval wreath out of a leave die from Memory Box. I added some shading with different ink pads and curled all the leaves a bit with my scissors. I cut three Leanna Butterflies from Simon Says Stamp, inked the wings and glued them together in the middle. Sentiment is from My Favourite Stamps stamp set. I also added 4 mm Sugar Plum mix sequence from Pretty Pink Posh for some rough texture.
Osnovno voščilnice sem senčila preko moje najljubše stencil šablone trenutno, to je Hero Arts Map Grid Stencil. Venček sem naredila s pomočjo izrezkov listnate vejice od Memory Box-a, ki sem jih senčila z različnimi blazinicami in vse listke rahlo ukrivila s pomočjo škarij. Izrezala sem tudi tri Leanna Butterflies metulje od Simon Says Stamp, rahlo senčila krila in jih skupaj zlepila le na sredini. Voščilo je iz enega izmed setov štampiljk od My Favourite Things. Na koncu pa sem dodala tudi mešanico Sugar Plum 4 mm bleščic za malce bolj ostro teksturo na voščilnici.
I hope you join the amazing design team from A Blog Named Hero this month and show your interpretation of Texture on your project.

Upam, da se pridružite ekipi A Blog Named Hero ta mesec in pokažete svojo interpretacijo teksture na vaših izdelkih.

Have a great day!

Želim vam super teden!

I'm adding this card into Texture Challenge over at A Blog Named Hero.