Monday Madness # 26

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

Long time, no see :) I've been away on vacations past week and was not able to prepare my posts in advance. I'm sorry for that. So today there will be no desk photo but a few photos that my boyfriend took with his phone. Just to give you a feel for Piran (it's a Slovenian coast town) where I've been for the past week. And then the sea went crazy :)

Že dolgo časa nobene objave :) Se opravičujem, vendar sem bila na počitnicah, pa nisem vnaprej uspela pripraviti objav za vas. Upam, da se vam lahko oddolžim s parimi posnetki iz Pirana, ki jih je moj fant naredil s telefonom. In potem se je morju malce zmešalo :)

If you want to see more photos, click here. I'll be back later today for my post at A Blog Named Hero and for the rest of the week with posts as usual. Have a great day!

Za več slik (ne mojih) pa lahko kliknete še tukaj. Že danes se bom ponovno oglasila z objavo na a Blog Named Hero, nato pa sledi običajen urnik objav. Želim vam čudovit dan! 


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