
Spots / Pikasto

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

Today I have another Inktense card to share. I used a Hero Arts background stamp and stamped it twice. For the first one I used HA Soft sand ink and stamped it on my card base and second time I used Versafine Onyx black ink on a separate piece of cardstock. 

Danes imam ponovno za vas voščilnico, na kateri sem uporabila moje Inktense barvice. Za pikčast element sem uporabila Hero Arts štampiljko za ozadje in jo odtisnila dvakrat. Prvič s HA Soft Sand blazinico na osnovo voščilnice in nato še enkrat na ločen karton z Versafine Onyx Black blazinico. 
I coloured flowers and leaves on the black impression with my Inktense pencils and cut them out. Since the background stamp is not a square one, I cut the front edge with a curved stitched die. The added pink strip of cardstock is stamped with a script background and Versamark ink and then brushed over it with some Perfect Pearls powder. I glued it on the inside and cut numbers from the same colour. Sentiment is stamped with Versafine Onyx black ink and says "All the best!". I glued my coloured flowers and leaves on my card base. To emphasise the connections betweee my leaves I just traced stems with a black pen. I also added some clear Wink of Stella marker in the centre of my flowers. 
Cvetove in liste črnega odtisa sem pobarvala z Inktense barvicami in jih izrezala. Štampiljka za ozadje ni kvadratne oblike, kot moja osnova, tako da sem sprednjo stran skrajšala s pomočjo zakrivljene šablonice z dodatnimi šivi, ki sem jo dopolnila s kosom ciklamnega kartona. Ciklamni trak sem poštempljala z ozadjem stare pisave. Uporabila sem Versamark blazinico, preko katere sem nanesla Perfect Pearls prah. Številke sem izrezala iz enake barve in jih prilepila pod voščilo odtisnjeno z isto črno blazinico. Cvetove in lise sem prilepila na ozadje ter s črnim markerjem dodala stebelca med listi, ki so se v svetlem ozadju malce izgubila. Po sredini cvetov sem dodala še nekaj brezbarvnega Wink of Stella markerja. 

Voščilnico prijavljam v septembrski izziv Ustvarjalnega dotika. Iz njihove trgovinice je osnova za voščilnico, ciklamen karton in čudovito voščilo. 

Thank you for coming over and have a wonderful day!

Hvala za vaš obisk in čudovit dan vam želim!



Stencils & Stamps / Šablone in štampiljke

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

Today I used stencils and stamps to create this wedding card. And since this week's Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge is all about those two, it's perfect.

Za to poročno voščilnico sem uporabila stencil šablono in štempiljke, kar je tudi tema tega tedna na Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge blogu
I used a damask stencil from Prima and embossing paste for the background panel. Roses are from MFT and I stamped them in Soft Cantaloupe and Pale Tomato HA ink and cut them out. I did the same with two leaves for which I used Green Hills HA ink and Cottage Ivy Memento ink and some Rock'n Roll technique. I cut them out. Vines are a MemoryBox die that I coloured with Green Hills ink and Dandelion Memento ink. Sentiment is stamped on a rectangular piece of cardstock with Pale Tomato ink and it says Day of most wonderful dreams. I rounded the corners. Some organza ribbon in cream colour, some foam adhesive, liquid glue and that was it. 
Za ozadje sem uporabila Prima damask stencil šablono in embosirno pasto. Vrtnice MFT sem odtisnila s Soft Cantaloupe in Pale Tomato HA blazinicami in jih izrezala. Enako sem naredila z listkoma, za katera sem uporabila HA Green Hills in Cottage Ivy Memento blazinico, ki sem jo nanesla le po robovih. Vitice so MemoryBox rezalna šablona, ki sem jo pobarvala s pomočjo Green Hills ink in Dandelion Memento blazinico. Voščilo sem odtisnila s Pale Tomato blazinico na pravokoten kos kartona, ki sem mu zaokrožila vogale. Organza trak v krem barvi, nekaj penastih blazinic, tekočega lepila in to je bilo to.

I'm also entering this card into Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge: Anything goes.

Thank you for coming over and have a wonderful day!

Hvala za obisk in čudovit dan vam želim! 


All about tags / Vse se vrti okoli tagca

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

Today I'm following Karin's beautiful tag on Tag You're It! Challenge blog, but I made a card with a tag and it's a new baby girl card :) I also followed Lawnscaping current challenge and added a little giraffe critter.

Danes sledim navodilom Tag You're It! izziva, pri čemer sem sledila Karinemu tagcu za inspiracijo. Naredila sem voščilnico s tagcem, ki je namenjena novorojenki :) Sledila sem tudi Lawnscaping izzivu in uporabila živalco na svoji voščilnici.

I made a sponged background with a MemoyBox stecil and Soft purple HA Shadow ink. I cut the tag shape and rounded the corners and treaded some organza ribbon through the top. I shaded it a bit with Soft pink HA Shadow ink, stamped my sentiment that says Welcome to the world! in Memento Elderberry ink and added two flowers with leaves from MFT on the bottom. I stamped my giraffe and coloured it with my watercolour pencils, cut it out and glued it on the tag. I shaded a piece of white cardstock with Soft pink and Green hills Shadow inks to blend them together and cut my MB butterfly out of that piece. It was easier that way than to colour the butterfly already cut out. A few rhinestones and some foam adhesive and the card was done :)
Za ozadje sem uporabila MemoryBox stencil šablonico, preko katere sem senčila Soft purple HA blazinico. Tagec sem izrezala in zaokrožila kote, skozi vrhnji del pa sem napeljala nekaj vijoličnega organza traku. Na spodnji del sem dodala dve MFT rožici in listke. Žirafo sem odtisnila in pobarvala z akvarelnimi barvicami ter jo izrezala in prilepila na tagec. Voščilo sem odtisnila z Memento blazinico Elderberry in tagec malce obarvala s pomočjo HA Soft pink blazinice. Za metuljčka sem uporabila blazinico za senčenje in HA Soft pink in Green hills blazinici. Senčila sem kos belega kartona in šele nato izrezala MB metuljčka, saj se mi je zdelo to precej lažje, kot senčiti že izrezano obliko. Nekaj draguljčkov in penastega lepila, pa je bila voščilnica končana.
SSS Wednesday Challenge for this week is Tag It! so I'm entering this card into that one too :) 

Tudi na SSS Wednesday Challenge blogu je ta teden izziv v povezavi s tagci, tako da voščilnico prijavljam tudi tja

Thank you all for coming over and have a wonderful day! 

Hvala za obisk in čudovit dan vam želim! 



SSS Rock the Technique / Razturaj tehniko

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

There is a Rock the Technique Challenge on SS Monday Challenge blog for this week. I'm shearing my favourite technique today: emboss resist with Distress Ink watercolour background. I embossed HA Leafy Vines with silver embossing powder by Ranger on some watercolour paper. I smooshed my ink pads onto my craft sheet, sprayed them with some water and pressed my embossed paper onto them. I used blue and purple Distress Ink pads (Broken China, Salty Ocean and Seedles Preservess if I remember correctly). I let that dry and in the mean time embossed my numbers in silver embossing powder again, cut them out and stamped the Leafy Vines stamp a couple times using Mamento ink in Lulu Lavender. For the banner with a die cut congratulations I pressed the same Memento ink on some white cardstock and die cut the sentiment out of that part. Banner is cut from the same white cardstock, then I stamped it a couple times and drew a silver border around with a silver marker. Numbers and banner are glued on the watercolour paper background with foam adhesive and everything is glued down on a white card base. 


Na SS Monday Challenge blogu ja ta teden tema tehnike. Za to voščilnico sem uporabila svojo najljubšo: emboss resist (nikakor ne najdem pametnega prevoda... mi lahko kdo pomaga?) z akvarelnim dodajanjem Distress Ink blazinic. Najprej sem na kos akvarelnega papirja embosirala HA Leafy Vines ozadje s srebrnim Ranger embosirnim prahom. Nato sem na svojo podlago nekajkrat pritisnila modre in vijolično Distress blazinico (Broken China, Salty Ocean in Seedles Preserves), vse skupaj poškropila z vodo in pritisnila papir v to barvasto lužo. Medtem ko sem pustila ozadje, da se posuši, sem s srebrnim prahom embosirala še številki in ju izrezala. Z Memento blazinico v barvi Lulu Lavender sem isto HA štampiljko odtisnila še nekajkrat preko številk. Za voščilo sem uporabila šablonico Najlepšega para, ki sem jo izrezala iz kartona, ki sem ga pobarvala z Memento blazinico, zastavico pa sem izrezala iz belega kartona, v dveh kotih odtisnila par listkov in s srebrnim flomastrom narisala obrobo. Zastavico z voščilom in številki sem prilepila s pomočjo penastega lepila na ozadje, ki je prilepljeno na belo osnovo za voščilnice.

Voščilnico dodajam tudi v septembrsko galerijo Najlepšega para.

Thank you for coming over and have a wonderful day!

Hvala za obisk in čudovit dan vam želim! 



MFT Sketch for this week / MFT skica za ta teden

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

Do not ask me what happened with last two weeks because I have no idea :) But I'm back today with a MFT sketch for this week

Raje me ne vprašat kam sta šla zadnja dva tedna, ker se mi sploh ne sanja :) Ampak danes sem nazaj z mojo interpretacijo skice na MFT blogu za ta teden.

I flipped it clockwise and made it a square card, but I think it still counts :) I used MFT's DC Trendy Triangles stamp set to make blue and green background, some Basic Grey pattern paper for numbers and one strip and green ribbon for my extra embellishment. I didn't want to use glitter (since this is supposed to be a masculine card), but I added some Glossy Accents on top of a few dots in the background. 

Skico sem zavrtela četrt kroga v desno in naredila osnovo kvadratno, vendar menim, da vseeno šteje. Za ozadje sem uporabila MFT štampiljke DC Trendy Triangles in jih odtisnila v zeleni in modri barvi, uporabila sem nekaj vzorčastega papirja za številke in enega izmed trakov ter zelen trak za dodaten okrasek. Nisem želela uporabiti bleščic (navsezadnje je to moška voščilnica), sem pa dodala nekaj kapljic Glossy Accents lepila na krogce v ozadju.

You can see tiny drops of Glossy Accents better on this picture.

Na tej fotografiji se malce bolje vidijo svetleče pikice.

I used some sponging to define my layers - green for the background, teal for the accent rectangleand black for the numbers. And I also used some foam tape to put it all together.

Da sem malce definirala vse plasti, sem uporabila nekaj senčenja in sicer zeleno blazinico za ozadje, turkizno zeleno blazinico za osrednji pravokotnik in črno za številke. Med plastmi sem uporabila tudi penasto lepilo za zodatno globino voščilnice.

I'm also entering this card into SSS Wednesday challenge for this week because I used stamps to make my background :)

Voščilnico prijavljam tudi v sredin izziv na SSS Wednesday Challenge blogu, saj sem uporabila štampiljke za svoje ozadje. 

Hope you are having a wonderful day! 

Želim vam čudovit dan! 
