
Case me a Christmas Card with Michelle

Hello everyone! 

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

It's has been tradition for the last few years to work with Michelle on one of our Christmas cards. And this year we a CASEin each other's cards and I used this one for my inspiration. I changed the colour, stamps and did not mask the sentiment. I also added some gold embossing on the edges of sentiment strip and card base. 

Postalo je že tradicionalno, da se za eno novoletno voščilnico povežem z Michelle. Tudi letos je tema CASE () in letos sem za navdih izbrala to voščilnico. Spremenila sem barve, štampiljke, voščilo je dvignjeno na traku, dodala pa sem še nekaj zlatega embossinga na robovih.  

You should check Michelle's card to see which card she CASEed. And thank you again to Michelle for inviting me to join her series again. This is also my first card for my 25 Days of Joy card for 2021 (and we will see how far I'm going to get this time). 

This is the card I CASEd:

Preverite še Michelle in njeno voščilnico in preverite katera moja voščilnica je bila njen navdih. Še enkrat hvala Michelle, da me je povabila k sodelovanju. Današnja voščilnica je tudi prva voščilnica v letošnji seriji 25 Dni Veselja (bomo videli kako daleč pridemo letos).

Thank you for coming over and have a great day. 

Hvala za obisk in želim vam čudovit dan.