
Different Shape

Hello everyone! 

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I made a different shaped card today for this month's challenge Shaped at A Blog Named Hero. I used dies and traced about half a centimetre away from them to make the base for my die cut pieces. I used top-folding horizontal card base and left two parts of fold untouched so it would remain a card. I cut on the line I drew and shaded my base with Soft Pool ink from Hero Arts. 

Danes sem naredila voščilnico malo drugačne oblike za izziv na A Blog Named Hero Shaped. Uporabila sem rezalne šablone in jih obrisala s pol centimetrskim robom, tako da sem naredil osnovo za izrezke. uporabila sem vodoravno voščilnico s pregibom na vrhu. S škarjami sem obrezala osnovo in na vrhu pustila pregib na dveh mestih, da se voščilnica še vedno odpira. Osenčila sem jo s Soft Pool blazinico. 

Next step was to die cut and colour the Monarch Butterfly Fancy Die and Hibiscus Fancy Die flower and two leaves. I used Pool, Raspberry Jam, Fresh Lawn and Butter Bar ink pads. 

 Izrezala sem Monarch Butterfly Fancy Die in Hibiscus Fancy Die in izrezke pobarvala s Pool, Raspberry Jam, Fresh Lawn in Butter Bar blazinicami. 

Combine your dies and try this. It's easy and looks awesome. Check A Blog Named Hero and get  additional inspiration. 










Uporabite svoje rezalne šablone in poskusite. Res je enostavno in zgleda super. Preverite navdih na A Blog Named Hero in sodelujte s svojimi mojstrovinami.  

Thank you for coming and have a great day.

Hvala za obisk in želim vam super dan.