
Nature at Christmas

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

There is Nature challenge going on at A Blog Named Hero and I put a Christmas twist on it with some snowflakes (Snowflakes Cluster Fancy Die) on the background and a beautiful poinsettia (Paper Layering Poinsettia), but new die sets from 2019 Winter Hero Arts cataloque.

Na A Blog Named Hero trenutno poteka izziv Narava in danes sem vse skupaj obrnila na božične praznike. Na ozadju sem uporabila izrezke snežink (Snowflakes Cluster Fancy Die) in dodala še božično zvezdo (Paper Layering Poinsettia), oba seta rezalnih šablon sta nova in del 2019 zimskega kataloga Hero Arts. 

Thank you for coming over and have a great day!

Hvala za obisk in želim vam super dan!