Hello everyone!
Lepo pozdravljeni!
I have a monochromatic set of cards for you using Butterfly Confetti Fancy Die as a stencil. I also used the stencil for another card so I basically got two for the price of one :) I combined Soft Pool and Green Hills inks on both cards. I kind of like the new shade of pool it made.
Danes imam set zahvalnih voščilnic, kjer sem uporabila izrez Butterfly Confetti Fancy Die kot stencil šablono. Hkrati sem lahko uporabila tudi izrez za drugo voščilnico, tako da sem za ceno ene voščilnice naredila dve :) Na obeh voščilnicah sem uporabila dve blazinic - Green Hills in Soft Pool. Končni odtenek mi je precej všečen.
You still have some time to participate in Monochromatic challenge over at A Blog Named Hero. Hop on over there and check for more inspiration from the fabulous design team.
Imate še nekaj časa za sodelovanje v izzivu en odtenek na A Blog Named Hero, tako da vam priporočam, da si ogledate še čudovite izdelke oblikovalske ekipe in pustite, da vas navdihnejo.
Have a great day!
Želim vam čudovit dan!
Layering with Perfect Pearls
Hello everyone!
Lepo pozdravljeni!
I tried adding Perfect Pearls to the last stamped layer of hydrangeas on my card for today and I think it turned out great. It's such a beautiful shine. I stamped the detail part of flowers with Grape Juice ink and brushed Perfect Pearls in Perfect Pearls colour over it. And I also love the sentiments in Color Layering Hydrangea stamp set.
Danes sem poskusila uporabiti Perfect Pearls prah samo na končni odtisnjeni plasti cvetov in mislim, da je izpadlo super. Zelo lepo se sveti. Štampiljko s podrobnostmi cvetov sem odtisnila z Grape Juice blazinico in takoj preko odtisa nanesla Perfect Pearls prah v Perfect Pearls barvi. Voščilo iz seta Color Layering Hydrangea pa so tudi čudoviti.
Thank you for coming over and don't forget about Sparkle & Shine Challenge over at A Blog Named Hero.
Hvala za obisk in ne pozabite na Sparkle & Shine izziv na A Blog Named Hero.
Lepo pozdravljeni!
I tried adding Perfect Pearls to the last stamped layer of hydrangeas on my card for today and I think it turned out great. It's such a beautiful shine. I stamped the detail part of flowers with Grape Juice ink and brushed Perfect Pearls in Perfect Pearls colour over it. And I also love the sentiments in Color Layering Hydrangea stamp set.
Danes sem poskusila uporabiti Perfect Pearls prah samo na končni odtisnjeni plasti cvetov in mislim, da je izpadlo super. Zelo lepo se sveti. Štampiljko s podrobnostmi cvetov sem odtisnila z Grape Juice blazinico in takoj preko odtisa nanesla Perfect Pearls prah v Perfect Pearls barvi. Voščilo iz seta Color Layering Hydrangea pa so tudi čudoviti.
Thank you for coming over and don't forget about Sparkle & Shine Challenge over at A Blog Named Hero.
Hvala za obisk in ne pozabite na Sparkle & Shine izziv na A Blog Named Hero.
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