
Floral Sparkle & Shine

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I shared a few backgrounds on A Blog Named Hero Facebook page at the beginning of this month and I used two of them today for my birthday and thank you card. I just added the sentiment on a die cut and Inktense pencil coloured gold or silver embossed flowers.
Na začetku meseca sem na A Blog Named Hero Facebook strani delila par senčenih ozadij in dva izmed njih sem danes uporabila za rojstnodnevno in zahvalno voščilnico. Na izrezani obliki sem dodala voščilo ter par zlato ali srebrno embosiranih rožic, ki sem jih pobarvala z Inktense barvicami. 
I used Tweed Pattern stencil from Hero Arts on the background with amazing Hero Arts Ink and this set of flowers Blossom Art is an oldie but still such a beautiful design. With some Stickle glitter added this is a perfect set for this month's challenge Sparkle & Shine on A Blog Named Hero.
Za ozadji sem uporabila Hero Arts Tweed Pattern stencil šablono s čudovitimi Hero Arts blazinicami in set prozornih štampiljk, ki so že malce starejše, ampak še vedno super - Blossom Art. Z dodatkom Stickles bleščic je tole perfekten set za izziv Sparkle & Shine na A Blog Named Hero. 

Thank you for coming over and have a great day!

Hvala za obisk in želim vam super dan!


Mavrično voščilnico dodajam v galerijo Najlepšega para za mesec avgust.