
Blue and Silver Happy Birthday

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I have a birthday card for you today because there is Birthday Card challenge going on at A Blog Named Hero at the moment. I used this beautiful Deco Pattern Stencil for the background with a few Hero Arts blue inks and Birthday Stamp & Cut set for everything else. I silver embossed confetti on the background and over the cake. Because sprinkles can be silver right?
Danes imam za vas rojstnodnevno voščilnico, sa je je to tema izziva na A Blog Named Hero. Uporabila sem Deco Pattern Stencil in par modrih Hero Arts blazinic ter Birthday Stamp & Cut set za vse ostalo. Konfete sem embosirala s srebrnim prahom na ozadje in torto. Ker srebrne mrvice sigurno obstajajo. A ne? 
Thank you for coming over and have a great day!

Hvala za obisk in želim vam super dan! 


Tropical Summertime Fun

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

There is still Summertime Fun Challenge going on over at A Blog Named Hero and I used tropical colours on my card today.

Na A Blog Named Hero še vedno potek izziv Poletna zabava in ravno zato sem danes na voščilnici uporabila tropske barve.
I made the background with Deco Pattern Stencil and Green Hills, Butter Bar and Pale Tomato ink. Flowers are from older Blossom Art set and sentiment from OWH Lil Hoot set. I stamped the flowers where I used Pale Tomato ink on the background and added three butterflies cut from Butterfly Confetti Fancy Die.

Ozadje sem naredila s to Deco Pattern šablono ter Green Hills, Butter Bar in Pale Tomato blazinicami. Cvet je iz starejšega Blossom Art seta, voščilo pa iz OWH Lil Hoot seta. Cvetove sem odtisnila na tistih koncih, kjer sem uporabila več Pale Tomato barve dodala pa sem še tri metulje, izrezane z Butterfly Confetti Fancy Die rezalno šablono. 

Thank you for coming over and have a great day!

Hvala za obisk in želim vam čudovit dan!