
25 Days of Joy / 25 Dni Veselja # 7

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I have another classic beauty for you today. I gold embossed the tree and masked a rectangle around it to blend some Distress ink over it. I put some pattern paper on the base and sentiment up on a strip of cardstock. I added dots of liquid Pearls and a few snowflakes.

Danes imam za vas eno klasično lepotico. Drevesce sem embosirala z zlatim prahom in okoli njega zamaskirala pravokotnik, ki sem ga senčila z distress blazinicami. Za ozadje sem prilepila kos vzorčastega papirja, voščilo sem odtisnila na trak, dodala pikice z Liquid Pearls in nekaj belih snežink. 

I hope your day was awesome. I got sick a bit but I hope I will be up and running in no time.

Upam, da ste imeli čudovit dan. Jaz sem se malo prehladila, ampak upam, da bom kmalu s polno energijo letala naokoli. 


Voščilnico dodajam v izziv Ustvarjalnega dotika: Bel sneg (iz trgovine sem uporabila štampiljko Vesele praznik!, Liquid Pearls v barvi Rouge in Stickles bleščice v barvi Golden Rod).


25 Days of Joy / 25 Dni Veselja # 6

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I'm super glad it's end of this week :) I need a few hours to breathe and have some time off. I made a classic feel card today. I used some greenery and classic green, red and gold colour combination. 
Zelo sem vesela, da je konec tedna. Potrebujem nekaj uric pavze, da zadiham :) Danes imam za vas voščilnico z zelo tradicionalnim videzom. Uporabila sem kombinacijo zelenja iz seta Najlepšega para in pri tem uporabila zeleno, rdečo in zlato barvo. 
Thank you for coming over and have a wonderful end of the week.

Hvala za obisk in želim vam super konec tedna. 


I'm entering this card into Simon Says Anything Goes Wednesday Challenge, Simon Says Work it Wednesday and gallery over at Najlepši par.

25 Days of Joy / 25 Dni Veselja # 5

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I made a wreath out of stamped stars last year but I wanted to play with die cuts this year. I used three different sizes of stars and three papers - two blue and one with glitter. I combined stamp and die for the sentiment and added a lot of silver glitter.

Lansko leto sem naredila venček iz odtisnjenih zvezdic, danes pa sem se poigrala z izrezanimi zvezdicami. Uporabila sem tri različne velikosti in tri različne papirje - dva modra in enega bleščečega- Za voščilo sem uporabila kombinacijo odtisa in izrezka od Tine iz Najlepšega para. 

Thank you for coming over and I hope you're having a great Thanksgiving if you celebrate.

Hvala za obisk in želim vam super dan. 


I'm entering this card into Simon Says Wednesday Anything Goes Challenge and gallery over at Najlepši par.

25 Days of Joy / 25 Dni Veselja # 4

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

When I think of Holidays there are two things that pop into my head emediately... ornaments and sparkle. I think this card says it all. I used sequins to build my ornaments that I die cut from my front panel. I went with blue and purple sequins on this card. I advise you to start building sequins from centre by first gluing one down and then making circles around that one. Glue has a bit of time to dry that way and things don't fly around like crazy. I glued my front panel up with some foam tape to make space for sequins and thread that I used to hang my ornaments up. 
Ko pomislim na praznike, mi običajno na pamet takoj padejo bunkice za na jelko in bleščice. Na današnji voščilnici sem to dvoje združila in sestavila ornamente iz ploščatih bleščic. Kroge sem izrezala s pomočjo rezalnih šablon, nato pa na osnovo voščilnice prilepila bleščice v modrih in vijoličnih odtenkih. Ugotovila sem, da je bleščice najlažje lepiti v krogu iz centra navzven tako, da začnemo z eno bleščico na sredini in potem v praznih prostorčkih okoli sestavljamo čedalje večji obseg. Sprednji kartonček sem prilepila s penastim lepilom, da sem dala nekaj prostora bleščicam in vrvici, na katero sem ornamente obesila. 
I love the shine and playful character of this card. I can't wait to try different colour combinations. 

Resnično mi je zelo všeč sijaj in igrivost te voščilnic. Komaj čakam, da preizkusim še kakšno drugo barvno kombinacijo. 

Thank you for coming over and have a great day!

Hvala za obisk in želim vam čudovit dan! 


I'm entering this card into Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Anything Goes Challenge.

25 Days of Joy / 25 Dni Veselja # 3

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni!

Today's card could be marked as CAS and usually I'm not very good with that and I keep away from it. I had white poinsettia in mind and I wanted to heat emboss on vellum. I like the look, but it's to soft to be my favorite. It's a different one for sure. What do you think?

Današnjo voščilnico bi lahko označili za CAS (čista in preprosta), čeprav mi ta stil običajno ne gre prav preveč dobro od rok in se ga kar malo izogibam. Želela sem ustvariti belo božično zvezdo in jo narediti s pomočjo embosirnega prahu na paus papirju. Všeč mi je, čeprav je preveč nežna, da bi bila moja najljubša. Drugačna pa je prav gotovo. Kaj pa vi mislite?

Thank you for coming over and have a great day!

Hvala za obisk in želim vam super dan!


25 Days of Joy / 25 Dni Veselja # 2

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

Today's card is a super simple when it comes to mass production and small number of used supplies. I used a stencil for pattern on the ornaments and die cut circle for the shape. I shaded with red ink and stamped my sentiment with it as well. I stamped the bow and string with Versamark ink and brushed Perfect Pearls powder over that. Edge and splatters are made with Perfect Pearls and water. 

Današnja voščilnica je povsem primerna za masovno izdelavo, saj je zelo preprosta, potrebuješ pa le nekaj materiala. Za vzorec na ornamentih sem uporabila plastično šablono, čez pa sem položila masko z izrezanim krogom. Čez sem senčila z barvno blazinico in isto barvo uporabila še za voščilo. Pentljico in vrvico sem odtisnila z Versamark blazinico in čez nanesla nekaj Perfect Pearls prahu, za packe in obrobo pa sem Perfect Pearls prah zmešala z vodo in uporabila čopič. 

Thank you for coming over today and see you again tomorow!

Hvala za obisk in upam, da se vidimo ponovno jutri! 


Season's Greetings on A Blog Named Hero

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I have another post up on A Blog Named Hero and this month it's all about Hero Arts.

Danes imam novo objavo na A Blog Named Hero in ta mesec se vse vrti okoli Hero Arts izdelkov. 

Thank you for coming over and have a great day!

Hvala za obisk in želim vam čudovit dan! 


25 Days Of Joy / 25 Dni Veselja # 1

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

First of all I have to thank each and every one of you that stopped by my Hero Arts Holiday Blog Hop on Monday and left me such wonderful comments. I can't tell you how much they mean to me. When I feel down I have to go back to that post and remind myself why I love to do what I do :) You still have until November 22nd to leave a comment for the giveaway.

Najprej se moram zahvaliti vsakemu izmed vas, ki ste se v ponedeljek ustavili na moji objavi za Hero Arts praznično poskakovanje po blogih in mi pustili nadvse čudovite komentarje. Nikakor ne najdem besed, da bi povedala koliko mi pomenijo. Ko bom imela slab dan, bom samo prebrala par komentarjev in se spomnila zakaj počnem vse skupaj in zakaj mi je to tako zelo všeč :) Do 22. novembra še imate čas, da pustite komentar in se potegujete za nagrado.
And now on to my post for today. It's that time of year again. I did three cards a week for my holiday card series last year, but this year I decided to make it back to back from Monday till Friday every week up to Christmas. I hope I can keep up :) It's going to be a busy weekend. 

In tako smo prišli do objave za danes. Ponovno je tisti čas v letu. Lansko leto sem objavila tri izdelke na teden, za letos pa sem se odločila, da bom objavila nekaj praznično obarvanega čisto vsak delovni dan vse do božiča. Upam, da bom dohajala :) Predvsem pa bo vikend zelo pester, da se dobro pripravim. 
I have a wreath card for you today in traditional Christmas red and green colours. I used three stamps for the circles and then I flipped them around to use them as dots and one dotted circles stamp for added Perfect Pearls. Sentiment up on a banner, some ribbon and a bow to hang my wreath up and first card for this year is done. 

Danes imam za vas pripravljeno voščilnico z venčkom v tradicionalno rdeče zeleni kombinaciji. Uporabila sem tri različno velike štampiljke krogov, ki sem jih nato obrnila in uporabila še za pike ter eno štampiljko pikčastih krogov, na katere sem nanesla nekaj Perfect Pearls prahu. Voščilo na zastavici in trak s pentljo, da smo venček obesili, pa je prva voščilnica za letos narejena. 

I hope you join me on this adventure and get inspired along the way.

Upam, da se mi pridružite na tej pustolovščini in vmes najdete še kaj navdiha. 


I'm entering this card into Simon Says Wednesday Challenge: Christmas.

Hero Arts + A Blog Named Hero Holiday Blog Hop

Hello everyone and welcome to this exciting blog hop!

It's an honour to be part of this hop and I'm super grateful to Hero Arts for this opportunity. Lot's of great talent all around and I hope you are enjoying yourself.

You should come her from Jessica Frost Bellas's post. Amazing talent, right? If you happen to find a link that doesn't work, you can hop back to the Hero Arts Blog for a list of direct links to all the blogs in today's hop.

I created a Holiday card that has more of the traditional or perhaps vintage feel, which is completely out of my usual style. Somehow the Peace Poinsettia stamp set made me do this :)

I used my Distress markers and played around with the solid and outline stamp of the poinsettia to make my focal point and I also added a few stars on a string from Sparkle borders stamp set. That is such a versatile stamp set. Love it! 
I fist white embossed the sentiment Season's greetings on a piece of Tim Holtz watercolour cardstock then I masked off the border to keep it white as possible. After that I played with water, Distress markers and my paintbrush. It was super fun. 

I don't know about you, but I can't stop myself from using some kind of glitter on my cards, especially if they are Holiday themed. That being said I had to make stars sparkle and the centre of my poinsettia stand out a bit. Red royal shading on my card base, foam tape on the back of my watercoloured panel and here we are.
And what fun would a blog hop be if there was no prizes along the way? So here it is...
We stashed away THREE of the November 2015 My Monthly Hero kits to giveaway to readers of this hop. The winners will be randomly chosen from all of the blog hop comments, across all blogs, received by 11:59pm PST on Sunday, November 22nd. Check the Hero Arts blog for the announcement of the winner on Tuesday, November 24th.

If you happen to find a link that doesn't work, you can hop back to the Hero Arts Blog for a list of direct links to all the blogs in today's hop.
Thank you for thaking the time to visit my little blog and I hope I will see you again soo. Since this is a blog hop I can help you to the next stop which is amazing and super talented member of Hero Arts Creative team Suzanne Dahlberg.

Happy hopping and don't forget to leave a comment for the giveaway.


Just a quick hello... / Samo en hiter pozdravček...

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I have been MIA this past week. I'm sorry. I have been working day in and day out and when I had time to sit down and create, I was just exhausted. I'm going to make it up to you, I promise. I'm planning something special for the Holidays this year and I hope you join me soon :) I have some time off this weekend so I'm hopeful that I can make a few things to share with you. 

Ta teden sem bila pogrešana v akciji. Na žalost. Se opravičujem. Dejansko sem delala cele dneve in mi je enostavno zmanjkalo časa za ustvarjanje, če pa sem že imela konec dneva kakšno minutko ekstra, enostavno ni bilo energije. Se bom oddolžila, obljubim. Za letošnje praznično obdobje načrtujem nekaj posebnega, tako da upam, da se mi pridružite (prav kmalu) :) Ta vikend imam končno nekaj prostih uric, ko bom ustvarjala in v naslednjem tednu z vami delila vse skupaj. 

Thank you for being patient with me and have a great weekend :)

Hvala za potrpežljivost in želim vam super vikend. 


Monday Madness # 39

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

It's been a weird day and my desk reflects that. There's everything but what I need to make cards, but I don't have energy to sort things out today. Perhaps tomorrow. :)
Danes je bil precej čuden dan in moja deska ga perfektno odraža. Na njej je vse drugo, razen tisto, kar bi potrebovala za izdelovanje voščilnic. Na žalost nimam energije, da bi stvari spravila v red. Morda jutri. :) 

Have a great week!

Želim vam čudovit teden! 


Friday Fun # 31

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

Days are getting shorter and I don't like it... I prefer summer because you don't feel like you have to go to bed at 6 PM. I hope this rainbow thank you card can brighten up your evening :)

Dnevi se krajšajo, kar mi ni čisto nič všeč... Ravno zaradi tega so mi ljubša poletja, ko nimaš občutek, da moraš v posteljo že ob šestih popoldne. Upam, da vam bo tale mavrična zahvalnica polepšala večer :) 

Thank you for coming over and have a great end of the week.

Hvala za obisk in želim vam čudovit konec tedna. 


I'm entering this card into Simon Says Thanks/Thanksgiving Challenge and Thank you Work It Wednesday.
Voščilnico dodajam tudi v galerijo Najlepšega para ter Ko me inspirira izziv: Hvaležnost.

Work Time Wednesday # 37

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I had to use my experimental piece from this post and I made a Thank you card. I will send it to a very special friend tomorrow.

Morala sem nekako uporabiti moj eksperimentalni kos, ki sem ga objavila tukaj in tako je nastala ena simpatična zahvalna voščilnica. Jutri jo bom poslala zelo posebni prijateljici.

Have a wonderful day!

Želim vam čudovit dan! 


I'm sharing handmade kindness like Jennifer McGuire told me to :)

I adding this card into Thank you Work it Wednesday, Simon Says Thanks/Thanksgiving Wednesday Challenge, Ko me inspirira: Hvaležnost and Mavelu Razstava vaših mojstrovin (uporabljen napis Hvala iz tega seta).

Monday Madness # 38

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

Today's desk is quite boring. Not perfectly organized and not a complete chaos. I had a bit of a health difficult day and I don't know if I'm getting some bug or what, but I was resting most of the day. I have been thinking about Holiday series for this year, planning things before they get out of hands, thinking about new blog content and such. Lots to think about :)
Današnja miza je pravzaprav precej dolgočasna. Ni perfektna, ni pa totalen kaos. Danes mi je zdravje malce ponagajalo, tako da sem večino dneva počival. Ne vem če se me kaj loteva ali bo vse ok. Med počivanjem pa sem imela čas premišljevati o seriji s praznično vsebino za letos, vsebini bloga v bodoče ipd. Veliko materiala za premleti :) 

I also participated in my first 30 Day Coloring Challenge by Kathy in October. I have a few things to share that I found out about myself:
- I forget to post it, if I don't do it right away.
- I go the more convenient way (use what is closest to me).
- If I have it stamped and ready to go, there is chance I will do it sooner in the day.
- It felt good to colour :)
- I need to reorganize my space :/

V mesecu oktobru sem sodelovala v 30 Day Coloring Challenge, ki ga je gostila Kathy. Iz vsega skupaj sem potegnila nekaj ugotovitev, ki bi jih rada delila z vami: 
- Stvari pozabim objaviti, če tega na naredim takoj. 
- Velika verjetnost je bila, da sem ubrala najlažjo pot (uporabila tisto, kar mi je bilo najbližje). 
- Če sem imela odtis že pripravljen, je bila večja verjetnost, da sem barvala že čez dan in ne šele zvečer. 
- Dejansko je bilo super barvati vsak dan :) 
- Moj ustvarjalni kotiček potrebuje reorganizacijsko akcijo :/ 

Thank you for coming over and have a great day!

Hvala za obisk in želim vam super dan! 
