Hello everyone!
Lepo pozdravljeni!
I made a different shaped card today for this month's challenge Shaped at A Blog Named Hero. I used dies and traced about half a centimetre away from them to make the base for my die cut pieces. I used top-folding horizontal card base and left two parts of fold untouched so it would remain a card. I cut on the line I drew and shaded my base with Soft Pool ink from Hero Arts.

Next step was to die cut and colour the Monarch Butterfly Fancy Die and Hibiscus Fancy Die flower and two leaves. I used Pool, Raspberry Jam, Fresh Lawn and Butter Bar ink pads.
Izrezala sem Monarch Butterfly Fancy Die in Hibiscus Fancy Die in izrezke pobarvala s Pool, Raspberry Jam, Fresh Lawn in Butter Bar blazinicami.Combine your dies and try this. It's easy and looks awesome. Check A Blog Named Hero and get additional inspiration.
Uporabite svoje rezalne šablone in poskusite. Res je enostavno in zgleda super. Preverite navdih na A Blog Named Hero in sodelujte s svojimi mojstrovinami.
Thank you for coming and have a great day.
Hvala za obisk in želim vam super dan.