Hello everyone!
Lepo pozdravljeni!
This month's theme of A Blog Named Hero Challenge is
Texture. I tried to add texture to my card without using embossing folder or embossing paste so I played with die cuts.
Tema mesečnega izziva za September na A Blog Named Hero je
tekstura oz. uporaba/upodobitev le-te na vašem izdelku. Poskusila sem se izogniti uporabi reliefnih mapic in embosirne paste, tako da sem se malo igrala z izrezki.
The card base is shaded over my favourite Hero Arts stencil at the moment - Map Grid Stencil. I made an oval wreath out of a leave die from Memory Box. I added some shading with different ink pads and curled all the leaves a bit with my scissors. I cut three Leanna Butterflies from Simon Says Stamp, inked the wings and glued them together in the middle. Sentiment is from My Favourite Stamps stamp set. I also added 4 mm Sugar Plum mix sequence from Pretty Pink Posh for some rough texture.

Osnovno voščilnice sem senčila preko moje najljubše stencil šablone trenutno, to je Hero Arts Map Grid Stencil. Venček sem naredila s pomočjo izrezkov listnate vejice od Memory Box-a, ki sem jih senčila z različnimi blazinicami in vse listke rahlo ukrivila s pomočjo škarij. Izrezala sem tudi tri Leanna Butterflies metulje od Simon Says Stamp, rahlo senčila krila in jih skupaj zlepila le na sredini. Voščilo je iz enega izmed setov štampiljk od My Favourite Things. Na koncu pa sem dodala tudi mešanico Sugar Plum 4 mm bleščic za malce bolj ostro teksturo na voščilnici.
I hope you join the amazing design team from A Blog Named Hero this month and show your interpretation of
Texture on your project.
Upam, da se pridružite ekipi A Blog Named Hero ta mesec in pokažete svojo interpretacijo
teksture na vaših izdelkih.
Have a great day!
Želim vam super teden!
I'm adding this card into
Texture Challenge over at A Blog Named Hero.