
Let Your Dreams Take Flight

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I'm super excited to be joining the Facebook Inspiration Team for A Blog Named Hero and be a part of this amazing team for at least a few more months :) I took inspiration for today's card from my last year's card from the month of July. This is one of my favourites from 2017 and I had to remake it for this introduction post.

Resnično sem navdušena, da se ponovno pridružujem Facebook ekipi A Blog Named Hero - novega uradnega bloga z izzivi Hero Arts in ustvarjam z ramo ob rami nove izjemne ustvarjalne ekipe vsaj še nekaj mesecev. Današnjo voščilnico je navdihnila ena mojih najljubših voščilnic lanskega leta iz meseca julija

I used the same butterfly stamp from Hero Arts (still one of my favourite butterfly stamps ever, unfortunately not available any more) but I used feather stamp from February My Monthly Hero Add-On stamp set Come Fly With Me and Soft Sky Shadow ink. I stamped the Butterfly with Versa Mark and sprinkled Black Sparkle embossing powder over it and I used the same for the sentiment. Since it's the beginning of a new A Blog Named Hero this sentiment really couldn't be more perfect. Just Let your dreams take flight :)

Uporabila sem isto štampiljko metulja (še vedno ena mojih najljubših štampiljk metulja sploh, na žalost pa ni več na voljo), za ozadje pa sem uporabila pero iz add-on izdelkov, del februarskega My Monthly Hero paketa, ki se imenuje  Come Fly With Me in ga odtisnila s Soft Sky Shadow blazinico. Metulja in voščilo sem embosirala z novim Black Sparkle embosirnim prahom, voščilo - Pusti svojim sanjam, da poletijo - pa je res na mestu za začetek novega A Blog Named Hero potovanja :)

Thank you for joining me today and I wish you a great day!

Hvala, da ste se mi danes pridružili in želim vam čudovit dan! 

1 comment :

  1. This is a pretty card indeed, love the dreamy colors. Thanks for sharing it again.
