
Florals with A Blog Named Hero

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I'm channelling my inner Michelle Lupton today with these two floral cards. I used Hero Arts Red Royal + Raspberry Jam and Soft Sky + Tide Pool inks and some Hero arts florals to make birthday cards.
Danes sem navdih našla pri Michelle Lupton in naredila dve rojstnodnevni voščilnici. Uporabila sem Hero Arts Red Royal + Raspberry Jam in Soft Sky + Tide Pool blazinici. Dodala sem nekaj Hero Arts rožic in par voščil. 
There is a Floral Challenge going on at A Blog Named Hero this month. Take a look at what our DT made and get inspired.
Na A Blog Named Hero je ta mesec cvetlični izziv, zato si poglejte primere ustvarjalne ekipe in pustite, da vas navdihnejo. 
Thank you for coming over and have a great day!

Hvala za obisk in želim vam super dan! 

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