
A Blog Named Hero Congratulations

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I'm using the second technique piece and one of my shaded flowers and a few leaves that I posted a week ago on A Blog Named Hero Facebook page. I cut my background piece in half and die cut half of a circle from it. Sentiment (Congratulations!) is stamped directly on my card base and half on the circle is glued directly to the base as well. Everything is glued with different thickness of foam tape. I also added some sparkle to bring everything together. 
Danes sem uporabila drugo ozadje izpred nekaj tednov in eno senčeno rožo z listi, ki sem jih prejšnji teden objavila na A Blog Named Hero Facebook strani. Ozadje sem razpolovila in delno izrezala krog iz tega. Voščilo je odtisnjeno na osnovi, polovica kroga pa prilepljena direktno nanjo. Vse ostale dele sem malo privzdignila z različnimi debelinami penastega lepila. Za konec sem dodala še nekaj bleščic. 
Come back next week to see what I did with the other half of that background piece but until then have a great day.

Naslednji teden vam pokažem kaj sem naredila z drugo polovico ozadja, do takrat pa vam želim čudovit dan. 

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