
Friday Fun with Carnival Cupcakes # 2

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I used the cupcake part of this stamp set on Wednesday but today I used the cute animals. They just scream baby cards so I made one for the prince and one for the princess :) 
V sredo sem uporabila kolačke iz tega seta štampiljk, danes pa so me premamile nadvse simpatične živalce. Prva stvar, ki mi je ob njih padla na pamet, so bile voščilnice ob rojstvu. Naredila sem eno za princa in drugo za princeso :) 
Thank you for coming over and have a great end of the week.

Hvala za obisk in želim vam super konec tedna. 


I'm entering this cards into Simon Says Wednesday Anything Goes challenge.


  1. These are sweet, sweet, SWEET! That background in the soft colors is perfection, not to mention the sweet little bunny! Thanks for playing with us at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge!

  2. A gorgeous cards Maateja with such pretty colours and adorable at the cutes and super image and sentiments!!
    Heather xx
    Thanks so much for joining us with Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge.
