
Work Time Wednesday with Carnival Cupcakes

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I used the most adorable stamp set today - Mama Elephant - Carnival Cupcakes :) I used the cupcake part of it but I will have to use those animals ASAP. 

Danes sem se igrala z enim izmed najbolj simpatičnih setov štampiljk Mama Elephant - Carnival Cupcakes :) Danes sem uporabila kolačke, ampak živalce kar kličejo po novih voščilnicah.

I used them for the background on my first card and one as a focal point. 
Na prvi voščilnici sem z njimi naredila ozadje in nato še en odtis izrezala kot glavni fokus. Voščilo prav perfektno paše zraven teh sladkih dobrot. 
I paper pieced cupcakes on the second one. I haven't done that in a long time. 
Na drugi voščilnici sem uporabila različne vzorčaste papirje. Tega se nisem lotila že nekaj časa. 
Thank you for coming over and have a great day!

Hvala za obisk in želim vam super dan! 


I'm entering the first card into Simon Says Anything Goes Wednesday Challenge and the second one in the gallery over at Najlepši par.


  1. Love the glittery details. The pop-up cupcake is darling! What a great design for the 2nd card as one layer! Thanks so much for playing Simon Says Stamp Wednesday “Anything Goes” Challenge!
