
Using Up Your Technique Piece with Hero Arts

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I shared two technique pieces on our A Blog Named Hero Facebook Page last week and today I'm sharing three cards that I made with one of those pieces.
Prejšnji teden sem na Facebook strani A Blog Named Hero delila dve ozadji in danes imam za vas pripravljene tri voščilnice, pri katerih sem uporabila eno izmed ozadji.
I die cut 9 butterflies out of that sponged background. I used three different birthday sentiments in Slovene and added different sparkle element to each - Liquid Pearls, rhinestones and Sparkling Clear sequins.
Izrezala sem 9 metuljev in senčenega ozadja in jih razporedila po treh voščilnicah. Za vsako sem uporabila drugačno voščilo in malce menjala postavitev, na vsaki voščilnici pa je tudi drugačen svetleč element. Uporabila sem Liquid Pearls, draguljčke in Sparkling Clear bleščice. 
This sponged piece would also be perfect for some Easter eggs. They would look adorable.

Tudi velikonočna jajčka, izrezana iz tega papirja, bi verjetno zgledala super. Bo potrebno preizkusiti. 

Thank you for coming over and have a great day!

Hvala za obisk in želim vam super dan! 

I'm entering this cards into A Blog Named Hero Rainbow Challenge, the third one into A Bit O' Green Simon Says Wednesday Challenge and the second one into March Gallery over at Najlepši par.


  1. So fun and care free!!! Love the bright colours!

  2. Those are all super cute; great idea to cut them apart and make so many different cards - brilliant!

    Thanks for playing along at A Blog Named Hero! ~Michele, DT
