
Firday Fun finishing the cards

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I promised three finished cards on Wednesday and here they are.

V sredo sem obljubila dokončane voščilnice in to je to.

First one is a Thank you card. I combined craft and green. I added some Pretty Pink Posh sequins and Wink of Stella on the frame and sentiment. 
Na prvi voščilnici sem združila kraft in zeleno barvo. Dodala sem še različno velike bleščice Pretty Pink Posh in nekaj Wink of Stella bleščic na okvirju in izrezku hvala. 
I stamped a full peony in purple for my second one along with a few leaves and cut them all out. With an added circle die and some embossed cardstock I stamped half on my sentiment in black (Best) and die cut the other one (wishes) from black cardstock. I had to add some Stickles glitter in different shades. 
Za drugo voščilnico sem odtisnila in izrezala cvet in par listov. S pomočjo šablon sem izrezala še krog in suho embosirala par trakov kartona. Del voščila sem odtisnila s črno blazinico, drugi del pa sem iz črnega kartona izrezala. Nisem se mogla upreti in sem na različne dele dodala različne odtenke Stickles bleščic. 
I kept it simple for the darkest background. I die cut two butterflies and the Congratulations sentiment from silver glitter paper and added a silver strip on the left side and a decorative piece of white cardstock on the right side. This could easily be a wedding card with that colour scheme. 
Za najtemnejše ozadje nisem želela pretiravati. Iz srebrnega bleščečega papirja sem izrezala voščilo in dva metulja ter dodala še ozek trak na levi strani. Da sem malo razbila pestro ozadje, sem na desni strani nalepila dekorativno izrezan kos belega kartona. Morda bi to lahko bila poročna voščilnica za poroko v takšni barvni shemi. 
Thank you for coming over and have a great end of the week.

Hvala za obisk in želim vam super konec tedna. 


I'm adding the first card into March gallery over at Najlepši par, second card into Floral Work It Wednesday Challenge and Touchy Feely Challenge at Simon Says Wednesday Challenge (dry embossed strips) and finally the last card into Take a Leap Into the Unknown Simon Says Monday Challenge (wedding card).


  1. Beautiful cards, Mateja! I love butterflies and the peonies are beautiful. All of them are so elegant. Thanks for entering them in the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Cathie <3

  2. Vse tri voščilnice so zelo lepe. Lp

  3. Gorgeous, beautiful butterfly cards.
    Thank you for joining us at Simon says Stamp Wednesday Challenge.

  4. Mateja, krasne voščilnice so nastale pod tvojimi prsti! :)
    Če bi se morala odločiti za eno, bi bilo izjemno težko. Vsaka me je očarala po svoje. Prva v nežnem zelenem in kraft odtenku. Pri drugi mi je izjemno všeč glavni motiv, ki je čudovito pobarvan. Čeprav tretja ni v mojih barvah pa ima prav zanimiv izrez, ter bleščeči metulji dodajo svoj čar. Ti odtisi rož pa so preprosto čudoviti! :)
