
25 Days of Joy / 25 Dni Veselja # 9

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I have first half of my project here for you today and the other half is coming tomorrow. I tried making my pattern paper and use A4 sheet of cardstock to make a set of cards. I found a template for cutting up the A4 and then I worked with those pieces. This is what I came up with. 

Danes imam za vas prvo polovico projekta, druga polovica pa sledi jutri. Poskusila sem narediti svoj vzorčast papir na A4 formatu in porabiti celoten karton za set voščilnic. Na spletu sem našla vzorec za razrez in nato delala z nastalimi kosi. To so voščilnice, ki so nastale.

Thank you for coming over and don't forget to check back tomorrow for the other part.

Hvala za obisk in ne pozabite na drugi del jutri. 



  1. Super, ker si lahko uporabila celotno polo A4 formata in hvala, ker si dodala link.
    Zelo lep vzorčast papir si naredila in voščilnice so krasne.

  2. thanks so much... i am going to give this a try.. my diy pattern paper needs practice and this is a gr8 way to make several cards! :) thanks for inspiration and thanks for the idea!!!
