
Work Time Wednesday # 9

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni!

I have another Altenew card for you. Whimsical Flower is another build it up yourself stamp set with an outline and the solid image of flowers, leaves and other bits of flowers. I love the shape of this flowers and today I used them as a background, stamping the outline with purple inks. 

Danes imam za vas ponovno voščilnico z Altenew štampiljkami. Whimsical Flowers je set, ki omogoča sestavljanje cvetov in listov z obrobo, polnilom in ostalimi delci. Izjemno mi je všeč oblika teh cvetov, ki sem jih danes uporabila za ozadje v vijoličnih barvah. 
I don't know what is with this kind of layout, but I seem to end up with it over and over again. I think I should try to step out of this box from time to time. Perhaps some sketch challenges on the horizont? Something to think about …

Ne vem točno kaj se dogaja, da nekako vedno končam pri takšni skici. Mogoče je čas, da stopim malce izven okvirjev, ki sem jih navajena. Morda bi bilo smiselno začeti s kakšnim izzivom, ki vsebuje skico? Malce moram razmisliti o tem … 

Thank you for coming over and have a great day!

Hvala za obisk in želim vam čudovit dan!


I'm entering this card into:
- Simon Says Happy Birthday Wednesday Challenge
- Simon Says A is for... Monday Challenge (Altenew stamps used)
- Simon Says Work it Wednesday March - STAMP


  1. beautiful card! i love all the white with touches of purple ;) Thank you for playing a long with us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge

  2. Wonderful card! Love the gorgeous flowers! Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Hugs, Sandra

  3. Gorgeous card! Love the touches of purple and the butterfly!

  4. Gorgeous card! Love the touches of purple and the butterfly!

  5. This is so delicate and beautiful.
