
12 December 2018

25 Days of Joy / 25 Dni Veselja # 9

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I have no luck with health this season but I have a new set of cards that you can easily mass produce just change up the colour if you need something else :)

To sezono pa res nimam sreče z zdravjem, ampak danes imam za vas nov set voščilnic, ki so zelo preproste za masovno produkcijo, za malo spremembe pa lahko uporabite tudi različne barve :)

I used Distress Ink (Pine Needles) on this set and shaded the background in a messy way intentionally leaving darker and lighter parts. I stamped Hero Arts Holiday Foliage Bold Prints over that and glued the Snowflakes and Ornament Fancy die cut on top of that. String is made out of silver Stickles, and the sentiment is from Najlepši par.

Uporabila sem Distress Ink (Pine Needles) blazinico in zelo površno senčila ozadje, tako da sem pustila svetlejše in temnejše dele. Preko sem odtisnila Hero Arts Holiday Foliage Bold Prints štampiljko ter prilepila izrezano Snowflakes and Ornament Fancy die. Vrvica je narejena s srebrnimi Stickles bleščicami, voščilo pa je od Najlepšega para
Thank you for coming over and have a great day!

Hvala za obisk in želim vam čudovit dan! 

Voščilnice dodajam v decembrsko galerijo Najlepšega para. I'm adding this set into Simon Says Monday Warm Winter Wishes Challenge.

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