
2 March 2016

Work Time Wednesday Peony Bouquet

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I have started working with my Altenew Peony Bouquet stamp set last Friday, but today I stamped and experimented doing some backgrounds in different colours.
Že prejšnji petek sem eksperimentirala z novim setom Altenew Peony Bouquet, danes pa sem naredila tri različna ozadja.
I used the outline and layer for the darkest shade in all three backgrounds. I used Soft Sand, Soft Purple and Raspberry Jam Hero Arts ink. I think they turned out beautiful and make a great base for lots of different cards.
Uporabila sem štampiljko za obrobo in štampiljko namenjeno najtemnejšemu odtenku. Pri vseh treh sem odtisnila ti dve plasti, uporabila pa sem tri barve: Soft Sand, Soft Purple in Raspberry Jam Hero Arts blazinice. V vseh primerih nastane čudovito ozadje, ki pa je osnova za precej različne voščilnice. Vrnite se v petek, ko boste lahko videli, kaj sem naredila s temi osnovami. 
Come back on Friday to see what I did with them :)

Vrnite se v petek, ko boste lahko videli, kaj sem naredila s temi osnovami. 

Have a great day!

Želim vam en super dan! 


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