
9 March 2016

Work Time Wednesday Beautiful Bouquets: Ranunculus

Hello everyone! 

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I have a card and three panels for you today using Wplus9 Beautiful Bouquets: Ranunculus stamp set. 

Danes sem za vas pripravila voščilnico in tri ozadja s cvetjem iz Wplus9 seta Beautiful Bouquets: Ranunculus. 

I used Distress markers direct to stamp and coloured it in. After a few sprays of water I stamped my image on the card front and repeated that two more times for three generation stamping. 
Za voščilnico sem na ozadju odtisnila štampiljko, ki sem jo prej pobarvala z Distress markerji in poškropila z malo vode in to ponovila še dvakrat za tri "generacije" odtisov. 

For my three pieces I embossed the image first with Hero Arts White Satin Pearl embossing powder. I did emboss resist on the first one with Abandoned Coral Distress ink fading it to the bottom and then I pressed a wet stencil over it to bleach the colour. 
Za ozadja sem štampiljko najprej embosirala s Hero Arts White Satin Pearl embosirnim prahom. Na prvem kartonu sem se odločila za resist tehniko in uporabila Abandoned Coral Distress blazinico. Čez vse skupaj sem položila mokro stencil šablono, da sem pobelila ozadje.

I used Distress Ink to colour my second image that is embossed on watercolour paper. I pressed my ink pads on my work surface and used it as a palette. 
Drugi odtis sem pobarvala z Distress blazinicami, ki sem jih pritisnila na podlago in jih uporabila kot barvno paleto. 

I used a cheap watercolour set for the last one and added some splatters over the top. 
Na zadnjem sem uporabila en poceni komplet vodenih barvic z dodatkom poškropljenega ozadja. 

I love how my card turned out and the second piece coloured with Distress Ink. I'm not so sure about other two. They might not make it onto a finished card. What do you think? 

Odtisi na voščilnici so mi zelo všeč, prav tako barvanje z Distress blazinicami, za ostala dva pa nisem najbolj prepričana, da bosta našla pot na kakšno voščilnico. Kaj pa vi mislite?

Thank you for coming over and have a great day! 

Hvala za obisk in želim vam super dan! 


I'm adding this card into Simon Says Monday Make Your Own Background Challenge, Simon Says Wednesday A Bit O' Green Challenge and gallery over at Najlepši par.


  1. Love all these cards! There are stunning! thanks for joining us this week on Simon Says Monday Challenge Blog! Barbara

  2. Gorgeous, beautiful cards, especially love the first one.
    Thank you for joining us at Simon says Stamp Wednesday Challenge.
