
6 December 2015

25 Days of Joy / 25 Dni Veselja # 11

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I had to finish last week a bit early so I'm starting this one on a Sunday. I have a different spin on ornaments that you can easily make even if you don't have any Christmas themed supplies. I die cut three circles, run them through my Cuttlebug with embossing folder. I used Versamark ink pad direct to paper with tiny bit of pressure and I brushed some Perfect pearls powder over top of it. I did the same with my stamped sentiment. A few bows and string glued direct to my card base and we have a beautiful card made :) 
Prejšnji teden sem malce skrajšala, tako da bom ta teden podaljšala in začela že v nedeljo. Za vas imam danes še eno varianto voščilnice z ornamenti, ki jo lahko naredite tudi, če nimate nobenih božičnih pripomočkov. Izrezala sem tri kroge in jih spustila skozi mojega hroščka z embosirno mapico. Versamark blazinico sem zelo nežno potapkala po krogih in čez nanesla Perfect pearls prah. Enako sem naredila z voščilom. Par mašnic in vrvica prilepljena direktno na osnovo, pa imamo čudovito ročno izdelano voščilnico :) 

Thank you for coming over and I wish you a great start of the week.

Hvala za obisk in želi vam super začetek tedna. 
