
13 November 2015

Just a quick hello... / Samo en hiter pozdravček...

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I have been MIA this past week. I'm sorry. I have been working day in and day out and when I had time to sit down and create, I was just exhausted. I'm going to make it up to you, I promise. I'm planning something special for the Holidays this year and I hope you join me soon :) I have some time off this weekend so I'm hopeful that I can make a few things to share with you. 

Ta teden sem bila pogrešana v akciji. Na žalost. Se opravičujem. Dejansko sem delala cele dneve in mi je enostavno zmanjkalo časa za ustvarjanje, če pa sem že imela konec dneva kakšno minutko ekstra, enostavno ni bilo energije. Se bom oddolžila, obljubim. Za letošnje praznično obdobje načrtujem nekaj posebnega, tako da upam, da se mi pridružite (prav kmalu) :) Ta vikend imam končno nekaj prostih uric, ko bom ustvarjala in v naslednjem tednu z vami delila vse skupaj. 

Thank you for being patient with me and have a great weekend :)

Hvala za potrpežljivost in želim vam super vikend. 



  1. Relax and EnJoy your down time.. you come first:) your cards are so inspiring always.. thanks for taking that time and effort but its YoUr time... slow down and breathe... LoL.. i am reminding my self of this by the way.. experience is talking...;) it bothers me to hear of more people than me who are stressing.. thats me!

    1. Thank you for this :) You just made me smile so thank you VERY much :) We do need to know our limitations and I'm in no place to crash down right now. If I go overboard it's usually my health that stops me and completely crushes my system. I will be back tomorrow, I promise, and after that we will have to see :)
