
2 October 2015

Friday Fun 29

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I was stamping some index cards today to have a few images ready to colour for the 30 Day Coloring Challenge and I decided to colour in these two butterflies. I used my watercolour pencils and made them blend a bit without water. I really like the look. 
Na par kartončkov sem odtisnila nekaj štampiljk, da imam malo rezerve za 30 Day Coloring Challenge, pa sem se odločila danes pobarvati ta dva metulja. Uporabila sem akvarelne barvice in poskušala odtenke mešati brez uporabe vode. Mislim, da je kar lepo izpadlo. 

Thank you for coming over and have a great end of the week.

Hvala za obisk in želim vam super konec tedna. 


I'm entering this card into:
- Simon Says Monday Ombre Challenge
- Simon Says Wednesday Anything Goes Challenge


  1. Metulja si zelo lepo pobarvala - všeč mi je, kako se barve prelivajo ena v drugo. Zelo lepa voščilnica.

  2. Love the chevron embossing and the butterflies are fabulous. Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Hugs, Sandra

  3. krasne barve in postavitev.

  4. The chevron background is elegant and give subtle texture to the card. Also make the butterfly pop. Love your card. Thanks for playing along Simon Says Stamp Anything Goes Wednesday CHallenge :)
