
25 May 2015

Monday Madness # 17

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I'm happy to report that my desk reorganization is working for me. I'm still reaching for my things in the wrong direction, but slowly I'm getting it. How do I know it's working? I can keep the desk quite tidy without any extra work. I put things back without thinking about it. I made quite a few cards since my reorganization and it's still clear. Well you can see my latest purchase... I ran out of white heavy weight cardstock and I'm trying this new one from Fabriano in 300 and 240 g/sq m weight. 
Z veseljem poročam, da je moja reorganizacija mize zelo uspešna. Sicer se še vedno zgodi, da sežem na napačen konec mize po stvari, ki sem jih premaknila, vendar se počasi navajam. In kako vem, da sem bila uspešna? Miza ostaja precej lepo pospravljena brez posebnega dodatnega truda, ker stvari dan nazaj na svoje mesto. V zadnjem tednu sem naredila kar nekaj voščilnic, pa je miza še vedno v zelo lepem stanju. Razen kupa kartona, ki ga lahko vidite na fotografiji. Zmanjkalo mi je kartona za osnove voščilnic, zato sem kupila Fabriano 300 in 240 gramski karton. 

Thank you for coming over and I hope your week started on a good note :)

Hvala za obisk in upam, da se je vaš teden začel odlično :)



  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who reaches for things in the wrong direction after a reorganization!! Glad to hear your reorganization is working for you!!

    1. It's kind of weird to grab thin air because nothing is there :) Thank you :)
