
11 March 2015

Work Time Wednesday # 6

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni!

I got some new stamps about a month ago and I was itching to try them out. So I made two cards for today, one using the Altenew Painted Flowers and one using the Wplus9 Just Geometric:Triangles stamp set.

Približno en mesec nazaj sem dobila nove sete štampiljk in od takrat sem komaj čakala, da jih uspem uporabiti. Za danes sem pripravila dve voščilnici, pri katerih sem uporabila Altenew Painted Flowers za eno in Wplus9 Just Geometric: Triangles štampiljke za drugo.
First one is geometric and I used combination of Hero Arts Shadow inks to stamp this background out with Wplus9 stamp (this is a technique that I saw with Jennifer McGuire on this video). I did not do a great job lining those triangles up and I need some practise (but I still think it looks ok). This is a great canvas for your sentiment or extra embellishments, but I stamped a sentiment (Happy Birthday) and added numbers. 
Prva je bolj geometrična, uporabila sem kombinacijo Hero Arts Shadow blazinic, za odtis ozadja z Wplus9 štampiljko (to tehniko sem videla v tem videu Jennifer McGuire). Ni mi najbolje uspelo poravnati trikotnikov tako da očitno potrebujem še nekaj vaje (vseeno mislim, da ni preveč slabo). To ozadje je odlična osnova za veliko voščilo ali dodatno okrasitev, jaz pa sem v tem primeru le odtisnila voščilo in dodala številke za okroglo praznovanje.
The other one is much more whimsical and a bit girly. I used Altenew Painted Flowers, VersaFine Onyx Black ink and some Hero Arts Shadow inks. These roses look amazing and are super simple to stamp. I had some problems with VersaFine ink transferring onto the solid stamp and I had to stamp it off first and clean it, because I would transfer the black lines on the next flower not intending to do that. I think this is such an easy card that looks amazing. It’s all because of those stamps. They make your job much easier because they are designed perfectly.
Druga je precej bolj nežna in ženstvena. Uporabila sem Altenew Painted Flowers štampiljke, VersaFines Onyx Black in nekaj Hero Arts Shadow blazinic. Cvetlice izgledajo čudovito in jih je povsem preprosto sestaviti skupaj. Imela sem nekaj težav s črnim črnilom, ki se je preneslo na ozadje vrtnice in sem jo na drug cvet odtisnila, brez da bi to želela, če štampiljke nisem dobro očistila pred ponovnim odtisom. Mislim, da je ta voščilnica zelo enostavna za izdelavo, končni izdelek pa je čudovit. Za to so krive predvsem štampiljke. Tvoje delo izjemno poenostavijo, saj so oblikovane perfektno.
I added Stickles to both of them for some extra sparkle and dimension and that was it.
Na obe voščilnici sem dodala nekaj Stickles bleščic za nekaj dodatne dimenzije in to je bilo vse.
Thank you for coming over and have a great day!
Hvala za obisk in želim vam čudovit dan!   


I'm entering the blue card into Simon Says Monday Challenge: B is for... (I used a couple shades of blue there).


  1. Love both your cards! They are fabulous. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)
