Lepo pozdravljeni!
Today we are starting another challenge over at A Blog Named Hero and the theme is Unexpected. We would be super excited if you join us :)
Danes začenjamo nov izziv na A Blog Named Hero in tema je Nepričakovano. Zelo bi bili veseli, če se nam pridružite :)
I focused on the unexpected use of my supplies. Let me explain.
- I made a tag and I don't do them that often.
- This butterfly is pieced together out of flower petals.
- Body of this butterfly is cut out of one stencilled flower petal (bottom left corner of that stencil) that I also clear embossed. I cut it with a bit of a border and shaded it with black ink (stencilled part is shiny and the shaded part is not).
- I made butterfly's antenna out of some wire and put a couple of gems on ends.
- I did not dry emboss the tag but glued a few die cut pieces of cardstock that are originally supposed to be terrarium.
Osredotočila sem se na nenavadno uporabo mojih pripomočkov. Naj razložim.
- Naredila sem tagec, kar ne naredim prav pogosto.
- Metulj je dejansko sestavljen iz cvetnih listov.
- Telo metulja je izrezan senčen del enega listka iz plastične šablonice (listek v spodnjem levem kotu). Senčen del sem embosirala tudi s prozornim prahom in vse skupaj izrezala z malce belega roba. Vse skupaj sem nato senčila s črno barvo (en del se tako blešči, drugi pa ne).
- Tipalke metulja sem naredila iz žice in na konce dodala par draguljčkov.
- Osnovo tagca nisem suho embosirala, temveč na karton prilepila nekaj izrezkov, ki so prvotno mišljeni kot terarij.
I hope you take a look at inspiration pieces from our Design Team and join us for a chance to win a gift voucher from our amazing sponsor Simon Says Stamp.
Upam, da si boste pogledali navdih, ki ga je pripravila naša ustvarjalna ekipa in da se nam boste pridružili, saj lahko osvojite darilni bon našega sponzorja Simon Says Stamp.
Thank you for coming over and have a great day!
Hvala za obisk in želim vam čudovit dan!
InLinkz Project Manager account expired
you are very creative, great idea to use your stamp in a different way
ReplyDeleteThank you :)