
24 July 2014

SS Emboss It! and Lawnscaping Challenge: Watercoloring

Hello everyone!

Lepo pozdravljeni! 

I've been on vacations so there were no new posts over here, but I'm slowly getting back into making new things because apparently my mojo left for vacations as well. This is kind of different wedding card. It's not classic roses and not classic red but I think it is elegant enough for the ocasion. I stamped and embossed the roses on watercolour paper with white embossing powder and a little bit of masking. I coloured them with my Inktense pencils and some water. This is one of my first attempts of colouring with them and I love these pencils a lot so far. Sentiment says: To live means to love by B. Pierson. I added some rhinestones and shaded edges of my card base to match the deep red lilac colour of the flowers. All that was left for me to do, was to glue my coloured panel to the card base and I was done. I wanted the colouring to be the focus of this card. 

Vzela sem si malce počitnic, zato tukaj ni bilo nobenih novih objav, sedaj pa počasi ponovno pričenjam z ustvarjanjem, saj si je očitno tudi moja ustvarjalnost vzela nekaj dni počitka. Ta poročna voščilnica je malce drugačna, saj vrtnice niso klasične, prav tako tudi barva ni klasična rdeča. Kljub temu mislim, da je celota dovolj elegantna za takšno priložnost. Vrtnice in liste sem odtisnila na akvarelni papir s pomočjo parih mask in jih embosirala z belim embosirnim prahom. Vse skupaj sem pobarvala s pomočjo mojih novih Inktense barvic in nekaj vode. To je bil eden prvih poskusov barvanja z njimi in za enkrat so mi izjemno všeč. Poleg misli sem na glavni del dodala še nekaj draguljčkov. Osnovo za voščilnico sem na robovih osenčila s podobno temno lila rdečo barvo in akvarelni papir prilepila na njo. Želela sem, da so v središču pozornosti barve, zato sem dizajn pustila precej preprost. 

I'm entering this card into the following challenges:

Voščilnico prijavljam v sledeče izzive: 

- Simon Says: Emboss it!

- Lawnscaping Challenge: Watercoloring

- Ustvarjalni dotik izziv za mesec julij: Rožice (iz trgovinice sem uporabila osnovo za voščilnico, štampiljko z mislijo in bel prah za embosiranje)

Thank you for coming over and have a wonderful day!

Hvala za obisk in čudovit dan vam želim! 



  1. Prekrasna čestitka, Mateja - takoj sem jo morala pogledati še bolj od blizu :) Zelo všeč mi je ker si odtis embossirala z belim prahom in čeprav si barvala prvič, izgleda, kot da imaš že ogromno kilometrine ;) Čestitki dajo eleganco polovični kamenčki, ki prav lepo zaokrožijo celoto :) Všeč, zelo! Hvala za sodelovanje v izzivu trgovine Ustvarjalni dotik, Barbara

    1. Hvala lepa :) Kilometrine sicer res še ni, ampak z veseljem delamo na tem :)

  2. This is stunning. Absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for joining us at the Lawnscaping challenge!

    1. Thank you :) Love all of your work so it's an honour to join your team for this challenge ;)

  3. wow! these flowers are gorgeous!! thank you for playing along with us at simon says stamp!

  4. This is BEAUTIFUL! I would like to invite you to stop by to play along in our challenges. Each Wednesday starts a new Anything Goes challenge with great prizes. It would be awesome to have you join us.
    Hope to see you soon!
    Blessings to you,
    Word Art Wednesday

    1. Thank you :) I will definitely check you out :)

  5. What a beautiful work of art! I love the soft colors. Thanks so much for playing with us at Lawnscaping!
