
13 May 2014

SSS Spring Flowers

In the spirit of baby cards I made another one for baby boy. I used a free digital stamp from this blog and coloured the elephant with my watercolour pencils. Since he looks like he is just sitting somewhere and looking around I had to make a field scene. Die from Memory Box helped to make the ground, grass and flowers, I sponged some clouds for the sky and glued some extra butterflies flying around. Flowers are "coloured" with some Liquid Pearls. Sentiment was stamped on a separate piece of cardstock that I cut into a banner shape and sponged on the edges to make it stand out from the background. It’s glued up with dimensional adhesive just like the elephant. Sentiment says: Congratulations for the birth of your prince!

Kot ena izmed voščilnic za novorojenčka, je nastala tudi tale, namenjena rojstvu fantka. Za glavno podobo sem uporabila brezplačno digitalno štampiljko, ki jo lahko najdete na temle blogu. Slončka sem pobarvala z akvarelnimi barvicami in ga izrezala. Zdi se mi, kot da slonček sedi in opazuje nekaj, tako da se mi je zdela logična izbira ozadja zelen travnik nekje v naravi. Za tla in cvetje mi je prišla prav Memory Box šablonica, za oblake pa senčenje maske (kot do sedaj že nekajkrat). Dodala sem tudi nekaj malih metuljčkov. Cvetje sem "pobarvala" z malo Liquid Pearls. Voščilo sem odtisnila na kartonček v obliki zastavice, ki sem jo še malo senčila, da se ne izgubi v ozadju, in jo prilepila na voščilnico s pomočjo penastega lepila, tako kot sem to naredila tudi s slončkom. 

I would like to enter this card to SSS Wednesday Challenge Spring Flowers (if this field counts as flowers :) ).

Voščilnico prijavljam na rožast izziv SSS Wednesday Challenge Spring Flowers  (če seveda travnik ustreza temi izziva :) ).

Have a great day! 

Želim vam čudovit dan! 



  1. What a sweet little Ellie! Great baby card. Thank you so much for playing along with the Spring Flowers Challenge over at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog this week :)

    1. He really is the sweetest :) Thank you for having me :)

  2. Joj kako simpatičen slonček! Zelo prikupna voščilnica, všeč mi je :)
